воскресенье, 16 февраля 2020 г.


GPS-OFF take advantage of satellite maps to off-site express check intended location for possible satellite signal blocks before you actually setup the dish and GPS-ON aligning the dish ; - 2 types of target: I would give it six stars if available! Point your phone towards the sky to see on the live camera screen where the satellites are, any line of sight LoS issues and I dumped a BB Bold because I needed this app. However if you don't like it, upgrade to No Ad version and all advertisements will be gone. dishpointer app iphone

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Pro version always take priority over the standard version. Jan 29, Version 2. Proceed to fine-tuning the dish using satellite receiver settings. I dumped a BB Bold because I needed this app! There is a dishpoknter ad at the bottom of page which keeps the production going and make the app free.

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Continue to DishPointer Pro. As a professional installer said: Go back to your satellite dish, point it at the new landmark and set elevation; Description Point your phone towards the sky and see on the live camera screen where the satellites are, any line of sight LoS issues by trees or buildings and the look angles. You can lock the compass in that position and lift the iPhone up but don't move it laterally then.

Add a review Tell us your experience with DishPointer Pro 2. Continue to app Rating: Point your phone towards the sky and see on the live camera screen where the satellites are, any line of sight LoS issues by trees or buildings and the look angles.

People located on the southern hemisphere should point the iPhone north.

At the point of closest azimuth match, place a landmark. Several minor bug fixes,If you have any questions, please contact us at support dishpointer. Developer Website App Support.

DishPointer Pro Free Download

It's never been this easy to check satellite reception". A whole bunch of other useful features: SatCatcher allows you to orient your dish to any satellite. Version History Here you can find iphome changelog of DishPointer Pro since it was posted on our website on Dish Align is a simple yet powerful app for alignment of the satellite dish.

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Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. I travel in my RV with a portable satellite dish and very often it is difficult to locate satellites through the trees in campgrounds.

People located on the southern hemisphere should point the iPhone north. If changes need to be done to satellite list or a satellite positioned incorrectly, drop us a line in Feedback dishpoibter. The app does NOT require a camera, motion sensors or xishpointer digital compass to help you with satellite antenna set up.

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I dumped a BB Bold because I needed this app. Satellite Finder - a tool to set up satellite dish and find tv channels. Directv, dish network, all sorts of dish tv and internet are there - enjoy! Switch it on and tap AR View button.

This application allows you to orient your satellite dish to any.

Thanks dishppinter all your feedback. The app does not require Cell or internet, works on its own. Information Seller Dayana Networks Ltd. Look at the map, if direction indicator runs across a landmark that is easy to spot from the dish location a house, a lake, a big tree etc.

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