среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


I read the book with you, beside you, allowing at least in my imagination how frightening it must be to not feel the ground firm beneath my steps, the next one there might not be anything. Was there a point while reading this book where you felt that you can't express about it in any other language but your own, Ema? They are content with their weekly portion of love and illusory escape from the deceitful world that surrounds them. You enfold so much of yourself in this review Emma while writing with precision and accuracy. Are you only as much as the others see you? relatia dintre doua personaje morometii

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Foarte reelatia recenzie, m-a facut si pe mine curioasa They are content with their weekly portion of love and illusory escape from the deceitful world that surrounds them.

It felt good to write in my native tongue. Oricum, sunt bucuroasa ca am gasit, in sfarsit, literatura romaneasca pe care o citesc cu placere.

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Want to Read Currently Reading Read. It is surprising to learn that you actually have Romanian relatives. I totally agree with Garima.

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The translation reads funny but your emotions are not bound by any language so I 'got' to some extent what you have said here and I can safely vouch for the loveliness of this review. And your melancholic voice full of warmth is ever the same even in Romanian. Youth spreads endlessly at her feet, while her life bears the mark of improvisation.

I think the rhythm of phrases was lost in translation, but thank you so much for your roua, I appreciate that! Si evident ca nu era o critica, sweetie, doar o informatie personae.

Thank you for writing this twice! Ma descurcam binisor la comentarii literare, abia acum realizez cat de usor erau de facut, in comparatie cu recenziile adevarate! What about a life in which every detail is suspected, as well as an ardent devotion?

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Jan 16, Un amanunt fara prea mare importanta, de altfel. Discover new books on Goodreads. Sorin is also bearing his life under a provisional star: Ha ha, probabil ca o sa citesc si Morometii, dupa ce reusesc sa acopar o parte din contemporani!

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They didn't talk about their past. Am crezut ca sunt singura care are o reticenta fata de cartile si filmele romanesti: I will write more in Romanian from now on. Html datei zum download einbinden Tia Walls 4. I am sorry for the loss of your father, although I suppose it is all in the past now and the wound has healed to an extent.

Also, I'm glad that you became interested in this novel but, unfortunately, it is not translated into English yet. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. This review is in Romanian, dintrf anyone asking themselves if I have suddenly started to talk birds' language. It's not nice of Plymouth to ignore your emails, after you've bought so many of their books of course, they don't know that!

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