суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


Real-time monitoring interface highlights color-coded control charts for easy interpretation by users. Mobile Data Collection Browser or mobile-device method of collecting data in untethered fashion. Quality Event Dashboard Provides real-time view of the entire manufacturing enterprise for managers, supervisors and other key quality team personnel. Slice and dice data across your business for strategic insights that can transform your operations and product quality. Take the Next Steps. infinityqs proficient

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Save time, add value, and make your job better. Increase team efficiency with automated workflows that provide reminders, timers, alerts, and more Improve Statistical Process Control and quality Get everyone on the same page with real-time report generation and distribution Learn more.

Span lines, sites, and suppliers through easy-to-customize reports and prkficient data mining. Infiniityqs Loop Control System automatically monitors quality data, and if a specific event occurs the software can launch pre-defined responses from third-party machine controllers, user-specified files, or applications. InfinityQS simplifies quality control data collection via an intuitive, configurable visual interface and solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing software and equipment.

Simplify maintenance of your data repository.

ProFicient InSight Manufacturing Intelligence | InfinityQS

Improve product quality and compliance. Re-Imagine Quality with the Excellence Loop Gain real-time visibility across the enterprise, unify your operational data from end to end, and use targeted, intelligent analytics to transform your enterprise.

infinityqs proficient

Sign up for free, and each week, you'll get practical insights to start re-imagining how quality supports your critical goals: Transform production Use a wealth of manufacturing information to prioritize improvements Summarize data by specific timeframes and monitor monthly quality levels by line or product.

Use the solution on-premises to improve quality data collection and analysis, as well as real-time monitoring, long-term strategic decision-making, and easy, effective reporting. Each week, get practical insights and start re-imagining how quality supports your critical goals. Dynamic Sampling Workflow Provides operators with a timed checklist for scheduled quality checks and automatically reminds users when data collection is needed.

Automate and expand data collection. Jump-Start Your Quality Transformation! Whether you maintain a single department at one location or run production across multiple, disparate enterprise sites, the ProFicient Unified Data Repository processes and efficiently manages your quality data from one centralized, standardized data hub.

Gain real-time visibility of quality data via ProFicient charts, reports, and dashboards. Slice and dice data across your business for strategic insights that can transform your operations and product quality.

SPC Software | Quality Control Software | InfinityQS

Review Overall Equipment Effectiveness OEE metrics, daily quality performance, and more to quickly see which plants, production lines, or equipment need the most attention. Imagine a new life for your quality data.

infinityqs proficient

Use quality data to transform your processes, products, and business—for the better. Gain real-time visibility across the enterprise, unify your operational data from end to end, and use targeted, intelligent analytics to transform your enterprise.


Mobile Data Collection Infinittqs or mobile-device method of collecting data in untethered fashion. Real-time monitoring interface highlights color-coded control charts for easy interpretation by users. See where Quality Intelligence can take you. Fully customisable, intuitive and highly visual.

With an on-demand software deployment, you benefit from the ability to: The precision you need, when you need it. Optimize performance and processes.

Each week, get practical insights and start re-imagining how quality supports your critical goals. Visibility into unified data also enables a long-term view that can help to uncover variances before they become problems, as well as identify strengths and best practices that can then be applied to other processes, lines, and sites.

Analysis Preparation Table structure and storage approach ensures that values and related items enable downstream analysis. Sign up for free, profcient each week, you'll get practical insights to start re-imagining how quality supports your critical goals:.

The system can also automatically trigger responses from third-party machine controllers, user-specified files, or applications.

infinityqs proficient

When manufacturers transform their quality processes, they transform their business.

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